The week of October 28, 2024, Northside College Prep saw a significant change to the flex block system, specifically regarding how students register for flexes. A new change was implemented that allows teachers to preregister students who need academic support.
This change, though spearheaded by the administration, was supported and requested by many of the staff members as well.

Assistant Principal Mr. Barry Smith, the administrator in charge of the flex block system said, “One of the important components of flex blocks is providing academic support. We want to make sure that all of our students have the option to succeed. We have technically 20% less instructional time than most schools.”
As mentioned by Assistant Principal Smith, the new flex system allows teachers to provide more academic support. However, the new system also changes when preregistration occurs.
Teachers can now preregister students before students can register for flexes. Teachers used to register students at the same time student registration opened: Friday afternoon. This change gives teachers time to preregister students instead of having to rush and compete with students, as once students are picked, the flexes cannot be changed.
The new system also refreshes the flexes every week, so students are no longer locked into preregistered flexes and must be preregistered every week. This change is significant for clubs that meet during flexes. It allows for flex meetings to alternate by week if there is a lack of sponsors or no need to meet every week. Alternating weeks also allows students to choose not to attend a flex if they need support for a different class.