Making It up to Seniors: Field Trip!

Creative Commons

Inflatable Boxing Ring Match

Corey Jordan-Zamora, Co-Web Designer

With an in-person option in place for CPS students, Northside administration is welcoming students back. However, because seniors will miss out on their usual festivities like prom, homecoming, and the annual Cubby Walk, the Northside administration has decided to make it up to seniors with a Senior Trip. 

After getting permission from the district, the administration is allowing NCP seniors to go on their first and final field trip to a place of their choice. Though, for a senior to even have their choice considered, they will have to engage in intense combat. Seniors will have to compete against each other in an inflatable boxing match for their field trip choice. 

Students will challenge each other in an inflatable bouncy boxing ring arena in the gym from 3 pm to 6 pm on weekdays, with the competition being held from March 29 to April 2. The top three winners can declare their options. After that, the three winners’ choices will be listed on a Google Form.

Inflatable Boxing Ring Match (Creative Commons)

The Google Form to decide the senior trip will be available on March 31 and will close on May 17. The administration will announce the trip destination a week after the Form closes.

To cover the funding for the senior trip, administration will sell the classroom chairs since fewer students are in the building due to remote learning. The administration will also sell all the expensive PE equipment like the ellipticals, exercise bikes, and weight training gear since they are not in use. Not only that, but they will be selling teachers’ and students’ Chromebooks to raise money. Students can come in until the Form deadline to turn in their Chromebooks.

Seniors should keep an eye out for an email from the administration with the Google Form to vote on their final senior year festivity. The administration also says seniors should bring their fighting spirit to get their destination choices put on the Form!