TikTok Takes Northside Community by Storm

Sofia Ortiz, Co-Social Media Manager

Creative Commons (Solen F.)

Ever since the coronavirus pandemic started in March, Northside students and those all over the country have been looking for ways to connect and stay preoccupied. In search of entertainment, many turned to the upcoming app TikTok, which saw a large spike of downloads during March. 

TikTok is a social media app with over 500 million users worldwide. It is known for its trendy dances and short-form content that can range from comedy to life tips. The app is also used by many to speak out politically and inform others about what is going on in the world. One of the most notable features of TikTok is the app’s “For You” page that tailors content for each user.

With so many Northside students on the app, some took the time to describe how TikTok has affected them during COVID-19. “TikTok has been a nice distraction,” said Christi Babayeju (Adv. 209).

Tik Tok has short videos ranging 15 seconds to one minute long. This makes it easy to scroll through and enjoy content.

TikTok has affected me during quarantine by keeping me updated on what’s going on in the world and keeping me entertained during a [difficult] time,” said Bushra Lat (Adv. 206). When asked about what kind of creators she liked, she said, “Comedian TikTokers like @nmillz1. Their content is mainly jokes but they also spread awareness about important issues like BLM (Black Lives Matter), and I appreciated that.”

“I’ve had [Tik Tok] for a while. It brought me a lot of enjoyment, and I actually learned real valuable things from it,” said Bianca Brady (Adv. 306). Touching on the large communities found on the app. She also mentioned, “I mostly use it to laugh and talk to new people.” 

Tik Tok has been essential for those looking for a sense of community during these times. Lat said, “It gave me a sense of comfort to see that all these people on Tik Tok were going through the same thing as me. It felt like we were all in it together.”