The Final Countdown

Joselyn Santos

Finals are just around the corner, which means that many Mustangs are hitting the books and organizing study sessions. 


Finals will be January 27th to January 29th. 

NCP Semester 1 Final Exam Schedule 2020

For many of the freshmen, this will be your first time taking finals.  It is perfectly normal to feel nervous about this experience. Cecilia Brasseur (Adv. 306) assumes that finals are “a lot of pressure to put on students, and cramming in work for three days of finals is really stressful.” 


Many students have already figured out what study method works well for them, but to help with the stress that finals bring, here are some helpful tips:

  • Put your phone on “Do Not Disturb” or set a screen time limit on social media apps. It is so easy to get distracted by your phone and you want to have max study time without any distractions.
  • For any math or science class, go to those study tables when they are available.
  • Ask teachers if you can go over previous tests or quizzes after school.
  • Create a list of the material that you have to review.
  • Dedicate one day for each subject. For example: on Monday, you will only study for your AP Psychology final, and on Tuesday, you will only study for your Biology final.
  • Have scheduled breaks. Study for 45 minutes, take a 5 to 10 minute break. repeat. The breaks will help with focus.
  • Create and review a Quizlet or a set of flashcards of terms you need to know.
  • Have a group study session. This session can be useful for groups members to hold each other accountable.

Many seniors are used to the finals season and have their routine down. They offer some advise to stressed freshmen. Vivian Zagotta (Adv. 000) says, “It’s really easy to procrastinate around finals because it’s stressful to think about the volume of work you have to do, but pace yourself in your studying and take breaks for self-care!” 


Elliot Lenrer Adv. 104 Santiago Serrano Adv. 104 Hugo Blancas Adv 106

Students know that self-care is really important. “You should always prioritize your mental health before your grade or classes!” says Fatima Peña (Adv. 006)


It can be easy to get worked up and stressed about finals because they seem to be a big part of your grade, but don’t let that freak you out. Is it scary? Of course, especially if these are your first finals. However, you know the material. You have been in class for a whole semester and absorbed material, even if you didn’t realize it. Finals are not as scary as everyone makes them out to be.


Advice that Noah Villalon (Adv. 205) gave for relaxing is “finding a hobby that helps you relieve some stress. Running helps me so much because it’s basically like a therapy session because all of my friends are running with me so we just talk about life and what’s stressing us out.” Being active and working out can help with the stress that finals causes.


Another way to de-stress is to meditate or do yoga. Clearing your mind is a good way to release stress and relax.


Even though finals might seem to be a really big deal, they don’t define who you are as a person. Just know that your best is your best. Everyone’s best is different and you should feel proud of how your effort. You will be just fine Mustangs. Don’t let these finals stress you out too much. Best of luck as finals approach.