Since its inception at Northside, the wildly popular International Night/Day has been under the guidance of Asian Club. During this two-day event, students showcase the varied world cultures and voices through dance, which the entire school gets to experience. Club leaders, sponsors, stage crew members, and student council all spend months perfecting their parts of the performance.
A large number of Northside’s student body participates in I-Night clubs and work hard throughout the first semester to memorize choreography for their performance. With students putting so much effort in, it can be easy to lose track of certain regulations surrounding clubs.
There have been concerns that there are new rules and a new three-strike system. However, these systems have been in place over the years to help club members and those involved in I-Night enjoy the process of getting prepared.
This year, I-Night was moved forward to January 31. It’s recommended by I-Night leaders that students be on time and consistently at their practices so that their group can be prepared.

The policies in place have been present for years, but are being consistently monitored this I-Night season. To ensure the safety of all students, the administration finds it necessary that these policies be followed.
The three strikes rule is the main item that has been brought to students’ attention. If individual club members are found not following the policies 3 times the club will be prohibited from meeting or performing in I-Night.
The policies include safety measures like making sure your sponsor is in attendance as well as prepared and ready for any issues. Clubs must also make sure that the sponsor as well as administration are aware of the space and times clubs will be practicing.
Opening doors for people outside the school is also prohibited. It’s important that our building is secure so that all students are safe and accounted for while meeting during club times and events.

All sports teams and other clubs must follow these policies as well. Make sure your coach or sponsor is always present at meetings or practice to avoid infractions.
The rules students should take note of are as follows:
- Students must have a club sponsor or coach present at all practices.
- Students must keep doors and spaces secure, and may not open doors for outside guests.
- Students will stay in their practice areas, and shouldn’t drift into other practices or areas of the building.
- Students should be at school for a full day of attendance in order to participate in after school activities.
- Disciplinary issues or drops in grades can result in suspension from clubs and sports.
No new policies have been added this year, but it’s important that we remember the three strikes rule to make sure all clubs can perform on I-Night. Make sure you’re following the policies as well as make sure your group members know the policies!

Club members can also find the policies within the club policies document that was released. For members, make sure you’re informed of all the policies, and remember the consequences if you don’t follow them.
The student handbook can be found below with all rules.