Mr. Michael Ferschinger is in his second year as a member of the Northside English department. Currently teaching English I and English II, he found his way to teaching after initially entering college undecided and considering math-related fields. Inspired by his high school teachers, Mr. Ricco and Señora Lemus, he pursued his passion for reading and writing and became a teacher.

When asked about his favorite high school book, Mr. Ferschinger mentioned Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. As a student, he read it multiple times during Academic Decathlon and his AP Literature class, which gave him a deep appreciation for revisiting texts and discovering new layers of meaning. He credits his AP English Literature teacher with encouraging him to engage with books in a way that sparked curiosity.
At Northside, Mr. Ferschinger enjoys working alongside colleagues who are committed to pushing educational boundaries. He is also inspired by the students, who are curious and eager to explore literature.
Outside of teaching, Mr. Ferschinger enjoys reading, watching movies, and following sports, particularly college teams: Wisconsin and Northwestern. He also helps coach the boys’ basketball team at Northside.
One of his favorite Halloween costumes was dressing up as a character from Holes with his roommates.