Students have jumped into the first weeks of the 2024-2025 school year after an often eventful summer.

While upperclassmen spent their time preparing for college application season, many freshmen were preparing for high school.
Students participated in sports camps, robotics and drama camps, and other enrichment activities.
Freshman Oliver Safranski (Adv. 807) spent much of his time biking. In addition, he said, ”I spent a lot of my time hanging out with friends and just getting prepared for high school.”
Freshman Isabel Geenen said, “I played in some sports camps and went to my friend’s house in Michigan.” Although not all academics, students enjoyed their summers preparing for this school year.

While it was exciting for many freshmen to start their journey at a new school, many were cautious of their first day. New students were worried about finding their classrooms or lockers. With long commutes and the heat, many students found getting to school on time challenging. Even with these concerns, students felt good about their first weeks of school.
Isabel Geenen recapped her first day by saying that it “was good. It was a little nerve-wracking going to a new school and trying to find all your classes, but it was pretty good.” New students had trouble finding classes, with room numbers and wings confusing them.
Freshman Oliver Safransky said “All my teachers were nice to [the freshman], but homework was hard.”

Students are excited about homecoming, upcoming sports games, and pep rallies, which will be covered in future articles.
Ellis Korda (Adv. 601) said his first days were “pretty easy for me. As an upperclassman, it was nice to be back.” For upperclassmen, their first day back feels more like a regular school day.

When asked about events he was excited about, Ellis said, “I’m most excited about NCP TV. We’re trying to expand our sports coverage this year. We’ll be at the soccer game on Wednesday.”

Although the first days can be stressful, the Northside community did a great job of making students feel welcome. Students are ready and prepared for the rest of the school year.
Overall, it is great to be back, and we hope all students have a great school year!