Northside’s annual Black Student Union Showcase took place on Wednesday, February 28 in the school’s auditorium. To honor Black History Month the group has worked tirelessly since the beginning of the year preparing scripts and assigning roles to one another.
The BSU Showcase opened with what is known as the Black National Anthem: “Lift Every Voice and Sing”. All the members came together and sang about unity and resilience. They continued with poetry that represents the Black American experience. The song and poetry were followed by an original dramatization: AAVE Culture 101, illustrating the misconceptions surrounding Black American Vernacular English.

One of the presidents, Kevin Adu, shared his favorite part of BSU: “You get to be around people that are similar to you. You have stuff in common and shared experiences. That’s all you can ask for in a club.”

The Showcase concluded with a student rendition of “Rise Up” performed by Gavyn Hughes (Adv. 507), Marie Cambell (Adv. 608), and Ruth Debrew (Adv.407). The rest of the group gathered around them and joined hands.

The Northside community expressed gratitude to the BSU. Kushala Anantharaman (Adv. 707) commented, “I learned about all the struggles they [the Black community] have to deal with. I knew they were there but I didn’t really understand to what extent they had those struggles until they were able to show it in the BSU Showcase.”

Northside looks forward to next year’s showcase!